Dua yang bermadu kasih.
I have no intention of purchasing others. Stop here and both are definitely keepers.
Diver's - bigger and heavier.
Look fierceful. Tend to feel its present on the wrist after wearing it for sometimes. What is this big chunky thing doing on my hand....?
I had met a law enforcer with a Diver's (rubber strap), when asked about the watch he commented enthusiastically "I go swimming and used to get caught in hostile environment with my Diver's on. This watch is tough, many have tasted it"
Explorer - Slimmer and lighter.
Look harmless but lethal only when people realised it.Very comfortable and it grows on you after sometimes.
People will take a glance and maybe stare at it for couple of seconds (this is where you will start feeling uncomfortable) and still, they can't figure it out.
"Yes, it is a stealthy Rolex and it is super low profile without the bracelet. I would say that it has the ability to give you that 'safe-feeling' that you really need when exploring new unknown places, in which even a fake Submariner is unsafe still."
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